Whatever it is, the Ecosmarte well water system, will give you healthy good water in every faucet.
Ecosmarte Well Water Point-of-Entry (POE)
The Best Non-Salt, Non-Chemical Technology at Any Price. The only choice for outdoor water. 150 Item EPA ETL Lab Analysis with every unit. Dual Media, Dual Electrode, Triple Tank System.
The Well Water POE system is custom designed according to your individual well water needs. Manufacturer guaranteed. EPA approved water through every water outlet in your house.
One million gallon rated activated carbon and hydroxite filter tanks, with automatic timed back wash valves. Dual ionization and oxygen electrodes. System comes equipped with retention tank illustrated to the right. Do not purchase equipment from any manufacturer with portable home testing, or from any vendor not offering a money-back guarantee. Why put harmful brine or chemicals into your septic system? 99% of EcoSmarte® Well water installs discharge natural water to your drain field.
Get your best Well system now
The EcoSmarte® Well water turbo system is above and beyond any other point-of-entry water treatment technology. Multiple mineral and chemical problems are addressed across wide ph and flow rate parameters. No salt, chemical regeneration, pH modification or in-line flow restriction is required to deliver premium quality safe water, indoor and outdoor, treated at point-of-entry. Low level ionization residuals remain in plumbing lines for residual protection against bacteria and scale.
Each well water system comes with a 3 year full warranty with 5 year available, and 99.5% Satisfaction levels have accord on units sold since 1994. Your EPA/ETL lab results will determine whether you need more tanks system. Multiple minerals other then calcium above EPA levels, will generally require a three tank configuration.